We are pleased to announce the release of SpeedTrace Pro 5.0. This release provides following highlights: Revolutionary Timeline Context for Best User Experience Built-In System Event Tracker for the following event types: File I/O Network Registry Trace & Debug Statements All events are captured with detail information including even data content which is read/written, received or sent. …
We are excited to announce the release of the new diagnostics tool suite .NET Runtime Analyzer 3.0 which includes the following tools: .NET Performance Sampling Profiler with line level granularity with support for managed/native code Application Event Tracker traces interesting application events with data context (Network Traffic, File I/O, JIT-, GC-events, Thread activity, Locking…) Exception …
Perfinity GmbH will be sponsoring the Herbstcampus event. We will be giving away five SpeedTrace Pro Enterprise licenses, five .NET Runtime-Analyzer licencses and five Perfinity T-Shirts.
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