Active Threads

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Active Threads

The Active Threads view shows all active threads at the time of the snapshot and displays the following information:

Column Name


# of Owned Critical Sections

# of critical sections owned by the thread

Affinity Mask

The mask indicates on which CPU the thread can run, e.g. the hex value f means the execution is enabled for the CPUs with numbers 0,1,2,3.

Call Stack

Currently executed method (top of the stack) with its callers (bottom of the stack) as line-level call stack

Current Locale

Current culture ID set for the thread

CPU Time

Amount of time for which a central processing unit (CPU) was used for processing instructions for the particular thread, also called thread time.

Exception Code

Exception code for the thread

Exit Status

Exit Status of the thread, 0x103 indicates the thread is alive

Is Impersonating

Indicates whether or not impersonation is active

Last Error

Last error occurred

Last Status

Last status

Lock Count

# of locks taken by the thread

Relative Start Time

Relative start time for the active thread (relative to the attach time). This information is not available, if the target process is attached after the creation of the thread.

Stack Base Address

The start of memory region for the current thread stack

Stack Size In Use

Size which is already used. If the Stack Size Maximum is reached, the application will crash due to an stack overflow exception

Stack Size Maximum

Maximum amount of bytes that can be used for the current thread as stack. The amount already used (committed) by the thread is indicated by Stack Size In Use, the remainder is reserved memory.

Thread ID – Name

Thread ID and name


Thread priority

In order to view the call stacks, you can use:

    1. Active Threads - Current Thread Stack

    1. Mouse over the item in the Call Stack column